Messy Truth Leadership
Messy Truth Leadership
Everyday Experts - John Higgins

Everyday Experts - John Higgins

How do we become more skilled at relating to other people? The heart learns much more slowly than the head. So, are you open to being touched by someone else's experience.

John talks with us about creating the time and space to know someone else. He talks about what we don’t notice when we interact with someone else, about what we take for granted and about how to pause and how to slow down. John is a researcher, academic and writer who is often in HBR, and the Sloan Management Review. He has published a number of books on dialogue, power, and teams. You can find his most recent HBR piece here. If you’d like to contact John and find out about all his brilliant work, you can do so here.

Messy Truth Leadership
Messy Truth Leadership
Becoming self-aware is the key to successful leadership. Full stop. Hang out with us as we write and discuss how to turn inward and become more conscious about yourself. Brought to you by The Messy Truth Leadership.