Messy Truth Leadership engages you in self-discovery so you can have a positive impact on others.

Leadership is about people and people are messy. The only way to decode all the unpredictable things that we do is to become self-aware, to explore our internal experience. When we turn inward, we can start to understand why we do the things we do. With that knowledge, we can better understand other people. We can empathize and build stronger connections to individuals and teams. Hang out with us so you can become a more self-aware person and show up as a leader that others want to be around.

Subscribe now to discover your inner leader, unleash your full potential, and, of course, revel in the beautiful mess that is leadership!

Let's get messy together!

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Stay up to date: Subscribe to receive weekly long-form thought pieces, short practical tips and stories from the field in our newsletter and podcast.

Grow as a leader: Know yourself better so that you can manage your impact on other people.

Belong: Be part of a community of people who are similarly committed to becoming more human, more effective leaders.

The Messy Truth About Leading People: It Ain’t Easy - the book

Imagine seeing all the thought bubbles that float above real business leaders’ heads constantly. The thoughts that are rarely shared, usually censored, but are the raw truth about leading people. And then consider learning solutions to some of the most infuriating frustrations or as we call them, Stupid Human Tricks. That’s what this book is about.

Meet Micah and all the characters and adventures on their leadership journey. The characters will feel familiar to you. They are imperfect with great strengths and painful flaws. Some learn from their mistakes while others don’t. Some succeed and others flame out. But all are perfectly, remarkably, ridiculously human.

The Messy Truth About Leading People is told in vignettes and based on true stories.
This book is real, it’s snarky, it’s compassionate...and there’s swearing. It’s a look at what leadership is.

The Messy Truth book

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Becoming self-aware is the key to successful leadership. Full stop. Hang out with us as we write and discuss how to turn inward and become more conscious about yourself.


I advise and coach senior executives and executive leadership teams. I'm part of the executive coaching faculty at the MIT Sloan School of Management. I've worked in multiple countries and cultures.
Executive Leadership Coach. Supporting individual leadership journeys and the creation of inclusive and human-centered teams and cultures.
I'm an executive leadership coach who facilitates self-discovery so that people can lead from a place of wholeness and compassion. I am the Lead Coach at MIT Sloan Leadership Center, overseeing all the leadership coaching.